Look. Listen. Learn, Learning How, Untitled

Mar 04, 2007 23:02

Title: Look. Listen. Learn.
Author: moosesal
Pairing: F/K, mentions of F/Victoria, F/others
Rating: for mature audiences (I would rate it R)
Length: 1750 words
Why I'm reccing this fic: Ray's...method...for jumpstarting a relationship between he and Fraser is quite inspiring. We also get a very interesting tour through Fraser's sexual history.


By the time Benton Fraser met Victoria Metcalf, he’d managed to have a couple experiences with more than just his hand. But he’d yet to really experience the pleasure of being with someone he loved. To look at that someone, touch and taste them, smell them, listen to them.

He should have known it would be too much. After his second round with Victoria, he was fairly certain he didn’t want that much sensory overload ever again.

But then he had come back from his vacation in the Territories to find Ray Kowalski in Ray Vecchio’s place, and his world turned upside down. He was transported back to Depot, back to the Hendersons’ cabin. He frequently found himself completely lost in watching, listening. Ray was all around him, and Fraser delighted in it.

Look. Listen. Learn.

Title: Learning How
Author: chesamus
Pairing: F/K
Rating: NR (I rate it PG)
Length: 2198 words
Why I'm reccing this fic: This was written for the 'Naive Fraser' challenge on ds_flashfiction. Ray makes an off-color joke and ends up learning something startling about Fraser.


“Hey, didn’t mean to embarrass ya, Frase.” Ray figured he’d better say something.

More silence.

“I mean - everybody does it, and if they say they don’t, they’re lyin’. But I guess I probably shouldn’t joke about stuff that personal, huh?”

“Perhaps everyone else does, but I don’t.”

Learning How [There is also a sequel, Lessons Learned]

Title: Untitled
Author: sprat
Pairing: F/K
Rating: NR (I rate it NC17)
Length: 2305 words
Why I'm reccing this fic: This is one of my absolute favorite dS fics. Fraser's longing is palpable. He wants Ray so much. Finally, he can't stand it anymore. (Also? It's got the best first line ever.)


Ray is fucking Fraser. Not for real, unfortunately. In reality Fraser is alone in his cot at the Consulate, and Ray is out with a woman named Caroline, attending a dance club in downtown Chicago. Fraser knows this because all day long Ray has been telling him about it, asking his opinion of potential restaurants and nightclubs and shirt-and-jeans combinations, laughing at his answers and insulting his sense of fashion. Fraser did not take offense--he knows that Ray was just nervous. This is, after all, his first serious date date since his divorce. ("Like, I went on a couple of dates, right after? But those were set-ups, you know. Didn't mean nothing except hey, look at me--I'm out there! I still got it! But this, Fraser...I like this girl. I think I could see us together.")

So Fraser nodded and closed his hand on Ray's shoulder, feeling the movement of muscle and bone beneath the t-shirt and the warm skin. "I'm very happy for you, Ray," he said. And Ray smiled and failed to insult him, blushed and ducked his head.


rating: pg, category: slash, challenge: masturbation challenge, rating: r, author: sprat, author: moosesal, author: chesamus, pairing: fraser/kowalski

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