Title: Five Kisses
china_shopPairing: Ray/Ray
Rating: R
Length: 6k
Why I'm reccing this fic: because someone's gotta. it's a lovely execution of the popular Five Things format, and it's got Vecchio finding himself, out of nowhere, falling for Kowalski's vast array of charms. which is never a bad thing.
Kowalski staggered back into Ray, smacking him into the wall and knocking all the air out of him. For a moment, Ray was sandwiched there-rough warm brick at his back, rough hot Kowalski pressed to his front-and he blinked, and time
stopped. (Kowalski’s hair was curled damp with sweat, tapered down to the stubble at his hairline, where the skin glistened and smelled hot and sexy, and
when did Kowalski get sexy? Ray had a flash of panic, and then another
tiny fraction moment
when his lips heated and parted, tingling, and he realized what he wanted to do was to lean forward and taste the back of Kowalski’s neck.
Five Kisses