Title: A Smile Is Worth a Thousand Words
Pir8fancierPairing F/K
Rating: R?
Length Medium
Why I'm reccing this fic: Phone sex. Truth or Dare. Pretty much all dialogue and she has the voices spot on. And, oh yes, we need to encourage her to write more!
"Ever feel primed, Fraser?"
"I don't know what you mean, Ray."
"Like I feel too much, you know? I'm just itching all the time, like I want to crawl out of my skin or it's on fire and sometimes I need someone or something to stop me. For you I'm thinking it might be the exact opposite. But me. Yeah. Really primed tonight.
A Smile Is Worth a Thousand Words (note: I'm linking to her journal entry which has a link to the archive so you can comment easier!)
Author:Tara Keezer (aka
Rating: R
Length Medium
Why I'm reccing this fic: Ray goes to a gay bar just cuz he likes the burgers? Riight...
“We don’t want to lose our token straight guy.”
“That all I am to you?” Paul’s comment irritated Ray. He’d been a regular at the Nook for over five years, and that crack made him feel like -
“Hell no.” Paul grinned - it was a full-bore sexed up smile that twisted Ray’s gut in a way he didn’t exactly expect - and added, “You’re everyone’s favorite fantasy. When you finally decide you’re ready to bat for the home team, you’ll have a lifetime of dates waiting for you right here.”
“What makes you think I’d ever do that?”
Paul raised his eyebrows. “You mean aside from the fact that you keep coming here?”
“Fuck off.”
On LJ:
Tilt or on her website: