Title: An Incident Along a Poorly Guarded Border
kindkit Pairing: F/K
Rating: PG
Why I'm reccing this fic: Because it's Fraser and Ray in a tent and on their stupidest, or Ray is - what was he thinking? But this is Due South and here you get a do-over, make it right.
"Goodnight, Ray."
Okay. It's not going to be one of the nights when they talk about old cases or Shackleton's Antarctic expedition or how people figured out the world was round. "Night, Frase."
It's a little warmer in the sleeping bag, like moving from the freezer to the refrigerator, but that doesn't touch the loneliness icing up Ray's gut. He turns on his side and wriggles closer to Fraser, until he hears the whik of their sleeping bags brushing together. Better.
In the dim, blizzardy, tent-filtered light, Ray can see the back of Fraser's head and the square set of his shoulders. He keeps his eyes open for as long as he can, looking.
An Incident Along a Poorly Guarded Border