Admin Post: 6 Degrees of Due South Challenge!

Jan 08, 2007 10:25

Darlings, do I have a challenge for you!

It's the 6 Degrees of Due South Challenge! This is where you tell us your favorite Due-South-related-fic-that-isn't-actually-Due-South! Time to go through and rec us your favorite Hard Core Logo fic! Your favorite Wilby Wonderful fic! Buried on Sunday! Twitch City! Men with Brooms! The list is endless (HOW MANY Canadian films have we all watched countless times?)! And the fic is out there!

So, between now and Sunday, January 14th, rec us your favorite 6 Degrees of DS fic! This means fic written about ANY characters Callum Keith Rennie or Paul Gross have played! Time to go browse through the ds_6degrees community, or go re-read your favorite midsummer_fic and midsummer2006 fics! And there's groupsession to refresh your memory of Hard Core Logo fic and the brand new wilbywednesday community for all your Wilby needs!

(Canadian RPS? TOTALLY counts as 6 Degrees. Just make sure you CLEARLY label it as such!)

Pick your favorites! Give us your top three Wilby Wonderful fics! Or a cross section: favorite WW, favorite HCL, and favorite Twitch City! Mix it up! There's a whole extended world of Canadian fandom out there - go and show us what we're missing!

(Cross-overs are completely welcome, too!)

Have fun delving into the heart of Canadian cinema! And if you find, uhm, Slapshot 2: Back to the Ice fic? Well, more power to you.


challenge: 6 degrees of due south, admin post

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