Title: Gloria (The Alias That You've Been Living Under)
china_shopPairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Rating: NC-17
Length: medium
Why I'm reccing this fic:
Because never before has a characterization of ANYONE stayed with me as long or been as intriguing to me as this portrayal of Ray Vecchio as a drag queen named Gloria. Because this story knocks me dead EVERY time I read it. Because by reccing this, I get to point you toward the WONDERFUL sequals (at the bottom of the page) written by
sageness and
china_shop, because this is a whole different 'verse and it is ALL beautiful. Because it is funny and sweet and HOT and just full of wonderful bits and it so much more textured and layered than a story about an improbable drag queen has any right to be. And because, after all is said and done, this is the story that has stuck with me the most out of any story that I've read in the DS fandom this year.
There was a polite knock on the open door, and she looked over-
-and felt the blood drain from her face, her triumph turn to nausea. She tried desperately to appear nonchalant and cool, but-
“Ray?” Fraser’s forehead was creased, his hat clutched in his hand.
“Gloria!” She wrapped her robe higher at the neck.
Gloria (the alias that you've been living under) Title: Chick Habit
ignazwisdomPairing: Frannie/OFC, Frannie/Stella, Frannie/Elaine, Frannie/Thatcher, Frannie/Maggie
Rating: NC-17
Length: 3,400 words
Why I'm reccing this fic:
Let me just state right off the bat that I am in LOVE with
ignazwisdom's Frannie. There are very few people whose characterizations of Frannie that I buy, and I am just in absolute AWE of how well she gets Frannie. Even if you don't like femmeslash, read this! (And then let it convert you and learn to love it damn it! *g*) There are just so many things that I love about this story that I don't even know where to begin to tell you about them, excpet that I love all of it so very much that you must read it RIGHT NOW!
The first kiss tasted like marijuana smoke. The second tasted the same, but with a hint of bubble gum. The third didn't taste like anything at all, riding in as it did on a wave of lust, powerful and unfamiliar and raw. Almost before she even realized it, Lucia's long fingers were under her blouse, rolling over her nipples, and then sliding beneath the hem of her skirt, seeking that place where everything was wet and warm.
Chick Habit Title: Florida
brooklinegirlPairing: Kowalski/Vecchio
Rating: NC-17
Length: medium
Why I'm reccing this fic:
So let me just start with pointing out that
brooklinegirl has the Rays DRUNK DIALING each other. Allow that wonderful senario to sink in for a bit. Then realize that this wonderful senario is only THE TIP OF ICEBERG for why I love this story so much. This is just them, pure and simple. She breaks them and puts them back together again, a little bit broken, but better together than apart.
He leans unsteadily against the counter in the kitchen. The lights are off, but the goddamn sky is so clear that the moon shines in through the window over the sink like it's some sort of grayish daytime. You didn't even get real nighttime in Florida. You got nothing real in Florida. You got pink brick and fake sand and none of the bodies were anything close to how God made 'em: they were full of silicone or like beef jerky, one or the other. You got heat when it was supposed to be cold and hail when it was supposed to be hot and he's all fucked up, all so goddamn mixed up here.
It's autumn here in Florida and the leaves aren't changing.
What the fuck is he doing here?