Title: Payment in Kind
Author: mainpudl
Pairing: Ray K./Fraser
Rating: PG-13
Length: 2100 words
Why I'm reccing this fic: For me the question is always how do Fraser and Ray go from being buddies with UST to lovers? I love a story which convinces me that it's possible for that to happen. This is one of those stories. It's so fresh in its approach and the writing and dialogue sparkle. It's a story about the fine line between lust and anger.
You've been in a terrible mood all day," Fraser said tightly, "the culmination of a week of escalating unpleasantness. You've been ill-mannered and ill-tempered and very nearly reckless in your driving, not to mention your arguably excessive use of force while apprehending our suspect this afternoon.
Payment in Kind Title: Aftermath
tx_tartPairing: Ray K./Fraser
Rating: NC-17
Length: 3360 words
Why I'm reccing this fic: I love this story because it's clever in it's construction. It has an artful and pleasing plot. The telling is great too. But the story itself has stuck with me. It was the first story I thoughtof when I was thinking back to stories that were new to me in 2006. And I think it's the first story I read that made me believe that Ray and Fraser could have met before the officially met in Season 3.
Whenever Ray’s undercover, he has the naked-in-public dream at least once. Because that’s what being undercover feels like - you’re exposed, you’re out there with your dick swinging in the breeze. No one seems to notice, but you’re sure that everybody can see the big neon COP sign blinking over your head.