Title: Five Things to Say
Author: Purna
Pairing: F/K
Rating: R
Length: short
Why I'm reccing this fic: This story is about Fraser and books-- how they've shaped his life, and how he still depends on them to help him understand things. It's built especially around Rumi's love poetry-- each scene starts with a small excerpt, moving smoothly into the point where the poems come up in the story itself. In short, a beautifully structured story that shows Fraser from a slightly different angle than usual.
Facing death in the arms of Victoria Metcalf, he had become seduced by the dark heat of a criminal. He had tried to follow his heart when she returned and had come close to losing his best friend, his soul, his very life because of it. His grandmother had talked about balance in one's life--a golden mean between the intellect and the soul, the head and the heart, carnality and spirituality. Such balance continued to elude him, however. The debacle that had resulted from his clumsy attempt at affairs of the heart was a learning experience. Not for him, then, the sensuous dreams of a naive, scholarly boy reading poetry. Never again, he vowed, and decided that perhaps his lot in life was to be the thinking one, the unshakable voice of reason, however unbalanced that made him.
Five Things to Say