Title: Rest Ye Merry
brynnmckPairing: Fraser & Vecchio
Rating: PG
Length: 3200 words
Why I'm reccing this fic: This fic captures the essence of what I, especially, love in Christmas fic. It's gentle and funny and warm with love, which are also the things I love about Fraser and Ray Vecchio's relationship. The fic can be seen as either gen or pre-slash, but it doesn't really matter which; it's a story about friendship and the things each of these men give to each other, every day. Also, brynn has one of my favorite Vecchio voices, and even in this, her first dS fic, it shines right through. I've read this fic many times, and it's wonderful every time I do. A holiday treat!
If that was the case, Ray had inherited the world's laziest wolf; Dief was currently sprawled out underneath the table, stuffed full of scraps snuck from a dozen dinner plates. He had a piece of tinsel dangling from his tail, and Ray's niece Antonia-who was probably avoiding the singing, too, smart girl to start drawing those lines in the sand early-was scratching him behind the ear and cooing.
"Oughta be ashamed, a natural predator like you," Ray told the wolf on his way by, shaking his head. "The caribou are laughing at you right now." Dief just ruffed, unimpressed, and rolled so that Antonia could get at the other ear.
Rest Ye Merry