Title: Passion
cesperanzaPairing: Fraser/Kowalski
Rating: NC-17
Length: 188K
Why I'm reccing this fic: This is Fraser's history, and Fraser's romantic history. It's complex and confused, bare and yet strangely rich, sad. Even the other players, Fraser's father and grandparents, Quin, Eric, others, are both surprisingly complex and incredibly removed. If it weren't for the fact that we know Ray Kowalski is waiting there in Fraser's future this would be a bleak read indeed. And yet Speranza fills the emptiness with incredibly rich detail that we're sure Fraser has etched into his memory. There are warnings for character death and for hurt/comfort, although Speranza assures us of a 'very happy, romantic ending."
"You got an axe for me?" Ray Vecchio asked, and Ben heard the question inside the question and didn't know what to say. Ray Vecchio had risked his house and his reputation and the livelihood of his entire family-his mother, his sisters. And Ray had stood there, pale-faced and shocked, as Ben had abandoned him and gone racing after the woman he would not abandon.
Now Ray was soul-sick with grief and regret and other emotions with which Ben was all too familiar, but there was no cure for Ray here. No herbs, no sweat lodge, no relief from his suffering. Western medicine was only good for so much and no more, he thought, and damn you Charlie Anderson. He loved Ray much as he imagined that Charlie had loved him, but love didn't solve anything. And passion could kill you.
"Yeah," Ben said finally. "I have two axes. Two."
Ray uncrossed his legs and stood up quickly. "Good," he said, with maybe a little more enthusiasm than was strictly normal. "So we'll go up there and try to-put Victoria behind us," he said, and even now, Ben couldn't help but wince at her name. "You know," Ray said, with rather less confidence, "it'll be like a do-over, like a fresh start for us. Right?"
A do-over. A fresh start. In his mind, he heard his father's voice: You're not going to get it. He'd wanted with Victoria what Ray wanted with him, but they were none of them going to get a second chance.