*Screeches to a halt and looks around*
Have I made it in time? Have I? Have I missed it? Do I suck yet?
Ok well the new challenge hasn't gone up and I haven't seen these fics recced yet so I'm going to hope I made it in time for the Amnesty Challenge cos I was lame and completely missed the "Fics of my Heart" Challenge the first time 'round *head/desk*
I can't do pretty links so you'll have to bear with me whilst I regale you with copy+paste html I'm afraid.
Took me the past 2/3 weeks to narrow my choices down to just three for the Amnesty Challenge and hence the main reason I was late to it the first time but I've come up with the three I return to read the most.
Title: Ping
cesperanzaPairing: RayK/Fraser
Rating: NC-17
Length: 41k
Why I'm reccing this fic: Because I adore it. The fact that Ray believes he's missed his chance, the semi-stalkerish side that we know Ray has and the fact that Ray K's "voice" is just perfect here. This just got to me and refused to budge from my memory and is one of the first stories I think of when I think of due South fanfiction. I love all of
cesperanza's fic but this one is one of the first I read and is definitely my fave.
Excerpt (did I mention I was rubbish at fancy cuts? Um, yeah.)
Aw, hell. Fraser just went ping.
Fraser almost never goes ping, which doesn't mean he never does. Just almost never. Figure one in a thousand.
Though it's really hard to tell because practically everybody pings on Fraser-even chicks who I personally know to be lesbians ping on Fraser, which is really saying something. Nine hundred and ninety-nine women out of a thousand ping on Fraser, with the exception of Stella-and hey, I always said Stella was something special, off the curve. Stella's special, Fraser's special-so, like, they're totally immune to each other. Matter and anti-matter, which only goes to prove something, though I really don't know what.
I go home and have a sandwich and feed the turtle-and I'm sitting there watching the turtle eat when I get struck with one of those compulsions that I sometimes get struck by, where no amount of rational sense has any impact on me. I used to get 'em a lot with Stella, and I'd end up bringing flowers to her office on nights when she had to work late, except she was almost always ticked off at me because she'd called, hadn't she? and she'd said she had to work late, and yeah, yeah, Ray, the flowers are great but I told you, I gotta be in court in the morning and...
http://www.trickster.org/speranza/Ping.html Title: Tilt
elementalvPairing: RayK/Fraser
Rating: R
Length: 3300 words
Why I'm reccing this fic: This is what I call my feel-good fic. The one I return to when I'm feeling low or rather "meh" and need something I know will cheer me up. It was written for one of the
getfraserlaid prompts and I adore it. The idea of Fraser in a gay bar amuses me greatly and Ray being considered someone's "little sister" still had me laughing for ages after re-reading it for the umpteenth time. And the line about Fraser and a social life is one of the best lines ever
“It’s very much our business.” Mike paused to add his other hand to the new guy’s other shoulder. “Ray, here, is like everyone’s little sister -”
That was going too goddamn far, even for Mike, and Ray couldn’t ignore it. “Fuck you!”
“And just like any big brother would, we all go a little nuts when some creep tries to get into his pants -”
Ray’s blood pressure went through the roof. “Screw this shit. I’m outta here.”
http://community.livejournal.com/getfraserlaid/3671.html Title: Losing My Religion
au_kestrelPairing: RayK/Fraser
Rating: NC-17
Length: 348K
Why I'm reccing this fic: One of the first things I did when I got into this fandom was to hunt out a central archive and get a feel for the writing and style for the authors in it. I found the due South Archive at
http://squidge.org/dsa/ (for any newbies who haven't found it yet :D) and, me being me, promptly went off to find my favourite kind of fic. The Epic! I love huge fics. Something I can really sink my teeth into and lose myself in. Especially in cold weather when I want to stay in the warm and curl up with a brilliant fic. Someone else has already recced Anonymous-co's "Busted" (and it's sequel) for this challenge I believe and so I want to point you in the direction of
au_kestrel's "Near Wild Heaven" Series the first part of which is actually "Three Christmases" but the first epic part of which is "Losing My Religion". I love this fic completely. The characters are spot on and everyone's included, the sex is h.o.t and it's lovely and long and plotty.
He's got a shy smile. "I'm sorry, Ray. Diefenbaker needed a walk."
"Don't be sorry. I'd've asked you along if I knew I was coming on a walk." Yeah, a walk in the snow. With Fraser. Tonight it just doesn't get any better.
"Is the snow optional?" he asks, with that quirk of his lips. His perfect lips, that I already know are soft, and warm, even in lake water, and, like I said, perfect.
"Snow?" I think for a minute he's read my mind, and then I feel the remains of my attempt to regain self control trickling down my back. "Oh. Yeah. Optional."
And my reactions are quick enough to sidestep the snowball that follows a split second later.
"Oh, Fraser, this means war."
He laughs out loud. You never hear him do that. "No, no, Ray. I promise to stop. It was simply too tempting."
Dief, pretty far ahead, stops and barks.
"Bossy wolf," I say.
http://www.squidge.org/dsa/archive/series/losingmy.html These three may well be amongst my top five faves but there are many wonderful stories in this fandom (and the authors for writing them) and I thank you all for helping to make the due South fandom my favourite fandom of all.
(Hope I've done this right. This is my first time posting recs like this. Given it's technically Monday mods, feel free to delete if I've done something wrong by posting so late.)