My favorite DS moments

Jul 25, 2006 17:38

moosesal here with some favorite episodes and the moments that make the episodes stand out for me. These are the moments that I always want to share with friends when pimping the fandom. The moments that crack me up, break my heart, or crank up the libido.

I love so many things about the Pilot. My favorite bits:
-- the parallel of the opening sequence with Fraser's father and the scene near the end with Gerard and the whole "they'll hunt you to the ends of the earth". Just ... that connection just gets me everytime, the importance of justice and truth without being cheesy.
-- The bar scene where RayV is in trouble and Fraser knocks down the door? I just love when the tough guy grabs a beer bottle to use as a weapon and then drops it right into Fraser's hand when he sees Dief over his shoulder. It's so smooth and silly, but makes me grin so big. Go Dief!
-- Fraser in the coffeeshop reading his father's journal with the voiceover. This scene kills me. PG is so beautiful there and it's sad and rips me apart in just the right way.

The Blue Line
-- Fraser on skates. I think that covers it.

Hawk and Handsaw
-- Fraser and Vecchio in straightjackets locked in a room. Oh the bickering. "Why do I always have to be the fulcrum?" "Stop moving Ray, you're dispersing the energy."

Victoria's Secret
-- Fraser answering the door in his undershirt. I don't think I really need to elaborate on what that scene does to me. Moving on...

Vault -- Frannie
-- The opening bit with Frannie and Vecchio bickering in the car is hilarious.
-- Ramona Milano's performance in this ep is some of the best comedic acting in the series. She's a spitfire and her outfit? Rawr. Basically every scene with her in this ep cracks me up.

We Are the Eggmen -- Thatcher
-- Thatcher goes to Fraser's apartment and he cooks for her.
-- Thatcher and Fraser pursue the bad guys then get locked in the incubator room and there's sweating and then "Take off your tunic, Constable. That's an order." Good god the sexual tension.
-- Thatcher throws eggs. "1.3 ERA over 30 games."

All the Queen's Horses
-- Singing Mounties. What's not to love?
-- Thatcher and Fraser locked together. Bobby pins, breasts, and teeth. Kissing on top of a train. I repeat, what's not to love?

Juliet is Bleeding
-- The funeral scene and the moments before when we see Elaine and Walsh and Vecchio in the precinct. And then the faces of Vecchio, Fraser, Huey, and Walsh as they carry the casket. It's such an incredibly moving scene. So well done. And the quiet and calm contrasted with the rest of the ep is just wonderfully done.
-- Vecchio has some really great moments throughout this ep.

Burning Down the House
-- Vecchio and Fraser on the phone. I love this whole good-bye scene.
-- The wink. You know the one I mean. Kowalski winks at Fraser when they're still going through the whole 'who are you' bit and I just die. That is my Kowalski moment.
-- "Don't touch my inner thigh."

-- Kowalski sliding on his knees inside the consulate door. The visual just makes my heart flutter.
-- Ditto to Kowalski in the Mountie uniform. He's dorky, but it's somehow hot.

Mounty on the Bounty
-- The fight.
-- Fraser in that sweater shoveling coal. *dies*
-- Fraser jumping on the barrels and catching the gun from Kowalski as the boat enters Canadian waters. And then his perfect aim. (This is my number one fav moment in all of DS.)

Doctor Longball
-- Kowalski in a poncho. Getting undressed and wearing a baseball uniform aren't bad moements either, but the poncho. *wimper*

-- Denny Scarpa (oh Stephanie Romanov, how do I love thee?) massaging Fraser.
-- Fraser and Kowalski at the end, playing poker for air.

And finally,
Call of the Wild
There's a lot to love here, but my truly favs?
-- The Ray/Ray fight (which launched some truly incredible fics)
-- The Paratrooper Mounties because those parachutes are awesome and it's so freaking ridiculous how can you not laugh?
-- Kowalski and Fraser stuck in the crevasse and then actually being found.
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