Places & Spaces by sageness

Jul 05, 2006 09:50

Hi, I'm Sage and I kind of have a thing about setting... I love the way a well-developed setting will contextualize a story and give characters depth beyond what's shown in the script. One of my few complaints about Due South is that, thanks to the show's frequently terrible lighting, it's sometimes really hard to SEE what's on the screen!

What I've done with this post is take bunches of setting shots and brighten them up so we can see where Ray and Fraser and Ray and Frannie and Stella and Dead!Bob, etc., live and eat and sleep. :D

Warning: There are 56 screencaps below, and that probably doesn't count as dial-up friendly. Sorry!

A Note on Image Quality
~ All of these are DVD caps except "The Ladies' Man", which is a grainy second gen rip.
~ My goal was to get good shots of the rooms, so please forgive the occasionally unflattering caps of the actors. :P

What I've Left Out
I wanted to focus on important places that only appear occasionally, so I've left out: the 27th's interiors, Fraser's S1-2 apartment, the cars, the Vecchio house interiors except for Frannie's room, and all Consulate interiors that aren't Fraser's office or closet. (Sidenote: If you need good interior shots of Fraser's apartment and the Vecchio house, see "Victoria's Secret".)

Okay, ready? Let's go! :D

Bob Fraser's Yukon/NWT Cabin (the show is inconsistent about its location)

from the Pilot

house and barn.

Wood-burning stove, up on bricks to protect the (wooden) floor.

We never see a kitchen area -- I assume it's offscreen to the right.

Bob liked basmati rice...

narrow little bed!

from Victoria's Secret

What I was most struck by here is that there isn't a single soft thing in this cabin...except maybe the bags of rice (and hello, burlap!). There's no eiderdown, no featherbed, no physical comfort to be had from anything. Makes me both sad for Bob (and Fraser) and curious.

Fraser's Apartment (post-performance arson)

from Burning Down the House


Vecchio House (mid-performance arson)

from Burning Down the House
Three storeys plus finished basement.

Fraser rushes in.

Frannie's smoke-filled bedroom.

Frannie & Tony in the bathroom.

Frannie's mirror


I love that Frannie's bedroom and bathroom look like an explosion at a Laura Ashley store. It fits.

Old & New Canadian Consulates (exterior views)

from the Pilot

from Perfect Strangers

Fraser's Offices

from the Pilot
The brass plaque on the door says "STORAGE".

from Strange Bedfellows
tight squeeze

Fraser wakes to the sound of Ray knocking.

home sweet fileboxes

from Bounty Hunter
cot under the window!

What I love most is that Fraser's desk is shoved about a foot to the right when he's sleeping (so he's not camping directly by the window, I guess?), but apparently he moves it back during the day. Every. Day.

Dead!Bob's Office (Fraser's Closet)

from Strange Bedfellows
Fraser looks in...

...and Bob looks up from his desk.


from Bounty Hunter
Bob puts a record on the Victrola.

The Victrola makes me SO happy! If you've never seen one, it's a wind-up standing phonograph that plays old 78rpm records. Think music from the 20s and 30s, before electricity became widespread enough for people to have plug-in record players. I love that Bob has enough of a love for music that he has a Victrola in his afterlife along with his oil lamps, gas lantern, and wood stove. (I also love his rocking chair. :D)

District 27
from Strange Bedfellows

from Eclipse
Even Welsh uses the supply closet.

*can't. stop. laughing.*

Stella's Apartment

from Strange Bedfellows
Her phone makes me giggle. And the toy Volkswagen. And her clunky then-new laptop. *g*

Check out the baby grand piano!!

Décor straight out of a 1997 Pier One catalog.

...except for the duck on the tricycle. Maybe it was a gift? :P

Also, there's a wonderfully lush, enormous, red and white painting of a reclining woman hanging over the mantel. I wasn't able to get a clean cap of it, but this vivid division of Stella's warm, sensual personal life from her cool, litigious professional life seems wonderfully- (and also heartbreakingly-) appropriate.

Ray Kowalski's Apartment

from Eclipse
RayK in his famous candystriped briefs

gun porn, with chair! I think this is the red chair & ottoman filmed through a weird filter (with bad lighting) so it looks green.

cheap formica table with porcelain sugar bowl.

palm trees on the wall behind the tv.

Turtle in the window! And the neon clock makes me smile every time.



dance steps! And a footlocker as a tv stand.

brown leather armchair

roll-top desk

"Don't take anything"...but feel free to investigate his bed (conveniently framed in the center of the shot)

So Fraser does, from a polite distance.

from Strange Bedfellows
sad Ray. Also, dance step!

from Spy vs Spy
red chair now angled back toward the TV

she's on the grey couch; the cameraman's probably standing in the brown chair's place.

from The Ladies' Man
Fraser lets himself (& Dief) in.

Ray takes up the entire sofa...(that's the sole of his left boot in the near foreground)

It's really more of a love seat, wouldn't you say? *pets weary!Ray*

chair again, another accordion-door closet.

It's a cozy love seat. He has to sit that close, really!

Dief chaperones while they cuddle watch porn examine evidence, while sitting reallyextremelyclose!!

It's interesting, looking at Ray's stuff and judging what he chose with care vs. what he got at Goodwill to replace what he'd lost in the divorce. His couch is cushy, his tv is decent, his stereo and music collection are good, his bedding looks comfy...but the dance steps are totally where it's at. :P

So, there you have it! 56 caps of mostly-visible living space and several of the characters who make the setting relevant.

I've had a lot of fun putting this together, and I hope you've enjoyed it, too. Happy Wednesday, everybody! :D
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