Title: Cosmic Rays
catwalksalonePairing: Ray/Ray
Rating: Overall NC-17
Length: 43,248
Summary: The solar system is a big place. Someone has to look out for the little guy. Ray and Ray are COPs, patrolling the void and taking down the bad guys. Ably assisted by star-mechanic Frannie and pilot Ian MacDonald (though some might say his obsession with warp gates is thwarting rather than assisting) they stop at nothing to get their man. Or woman. Equal opportunities crime in the future.
Author's notes: This AU was first posted to a dS filter on my friend's list in daily instalments over 22 days. I'm not sure I could have done it without their continued encouragement. Everyone was invited to chip in to beta and several did - thank you to them all. Thanks in particular to
lamentables for betaing the whole kit and caboodle. Also, I totally stole a couple of lines from the Pauls.
A picture of the spaceship Riviera can be found
This way to Part 1 of 9 ETA or find it
here at my website
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