May 22, 2005 13:32
I know, i know... it's been like 3 weeks and i still hadn't checked me grades... :P
so,.. I got up enough courage to go and look at them today... at mid-terms i was getting a D in Fluid Power and Machines.... soooo I go look at my grades thinking that i'll most likely have a C (and just pass the class) but NO I earned a B !!! i'm so happy!!! do know what that means!! that means i got an A, yes an A on my final!!!! Yay me! :)
I have an incomplete in my PLSC class , but i figured it out and if i get an A- or B in that class.. my GPA (which dropped when i got sick... ) will go from a 2.78 to 3.3 ish!! :) I'm very very happy!!! :) :) :) :)
anyway,.. talk to y'all's later :)
Hope everybody is having a great summer so!!
P.S.- OH, and if any of you know of someplace in this tiny little town of Big Rapids where to get a GOOD paying job (and it doesn't necessarily have to be in BR, it can be in the Lansing area, the K-zoo area, the Battle Creek area, or hell if i can find somewhere to live it can be any where,..:) ).. let me know please.. and If any body knows anyone (or if it's you) that is trying to sell a car, let me know that too!!