Fic post

Mar 10, 2008 09:44

I should not be allowed to post unattended. I meant to post this here a couple of days ago, but posted in my lj instead. So now everybody knows I have a thing for the Goat, whether they fan dS or not. *headdesk*

Written for the self-insertion challenge over at ds_flashfiction.

First up, a tale of girl-meets-car:
It's Half-Past Four (and I'm Shifting Gear)
Pairing: GTO/OFC, hint of F/K
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1100+/-

Next, an alternate ending of sorts:
Baby, You Can Drive My Car (deranged fangrrl remix)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1600+/-

Finally, a bit of a coda, written for nolimbs4u (lots of good stuff over there, btw): The Birthday Ficlet (which could really use an actual title)
Pairing: OFC/RayK (the car's parked outside)
Rating: R
Word Count: 670+/-

.het, unclear header, ds.fic: fk.2008

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