Special Prompt Challenge for International Fanworks Day

Feb 11, 2024 21:26

The month of January saw three new snippets written for the dSC6D snippets comm on DW. Now it's February and here's a
Special Prompt Challenge for International Fanworks Day. In honor of the 10th International Fanworks Day, the OTW is hosting a fest with the prompt "ten" or "10". If you write any snippets for the dSC6D snippets comm this month where you incorporate "ten" or "10" as one of your prompts, you can add it to the International Fanworks Day 2024 Collection on AO3 with the tag "International Fanworks Day 2024".

Come on, dSC6D snippet writers! Let's get some snippets written in February and added to that AO3 collection!

=challenge announcements, =community plugs

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