two poems added to "North by Northwest" dS poetry series

Jan 04, 2018 23:40

Title: Let It Snow
Rating: Teen And Up
Category: M/M
Fandom: due South
Relationship: Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski
Tags: dSSS Treat, Poetry, Reverse Golden Shovel Poem
Summary: CotW -- Fraser and Kowalski, questing and questioning.
Length: 64 words
Fic on AO3.

Title: What They Have Been Learning, What They Will Learn
Rating: Teen And Up
Category: M/M
Fandom: due South
Relationship: Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski
Tags: dSSS Treat, Poetry, Tanka
Summary: Fraser and Kowalski learning about themselves, each other, and
themselves in relationship to each other.
Length: 119 words
Fic on AO3.

ds.fic: fk.2017

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