dSC6D fic: three poems from fan_flashworks prompts

Apr 30, 2017 03:30

Title: Let's Kiss in Canada
Fandom: due South
Relationship: Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski
Rating: General Audiences
Length: 37 words
Summary: Kowalski isn't the only one who is a poet on the inside -- Fraser has poetry hidden inside too.
Fic on AO3.

Title: Step One
Fandom: due South
Relationship: Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski
Rating: Teen & Up
Length: 12 words
Summary: Fraser and Ray take the first step in consensual bondage.
Fic on AO3.

Title: Sea Change, See Change
Fandom: Wilby Wonderful
Relationship: Dan Jarvis/Duck McDonald
Rating: Teen & Up
Length: 85 words
Warning: Mention of past suicidal intentions may be triggery for some readers, but note that it is not graphically described and that it resolves with the protagonist choosing life and love.
Summary: Dan had been suicidal, but the self-destructive bent has been banished by acknowledging and accepting love.
Fic on AO3.

ds.fic: fk.2017, c6d.fic

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