Various dS/C6D media up for grabs

Apr 10, 2016 03:18

I was cleaning off my hard drive when I discovered that I had a bunch of dS/C6D media that I really have no interest in keeping. And since a lot of this stuff is old and/or obscure and/or hard to find, I thought I'd give people a chance to grab copies before deleting them off my computer forever.

The folder contains the following files and folders:

* Folder labeled "Vids" - contains fanvids from various C6D fandoms. Vids are sorted by fandom; each fandom has a zip file of all the vids in that fandom.

Some of these vidders are still in fandom, some have left. I have not checked to see if any of the vids have updated versions, or if they're still available anywhere. PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD THESE TO ANY ARCHIVE OR VIDEO SHARING WEBSITE WITHOUT THE VIDDER'S EXPLICIT PERMISSION.

*Zip file labeled "due South Geocities" - contains saved webpages of due South stories from a bunch of different authors. Again, some of these authors may still be around and others may have left. I don't know if any of these stories are currently available. PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD THESE TO ANY ARCHIVE WITHOUT THE AUTHOR'S EXPLICIT PERMISSION.

*pdf labeled "Due_South_1x01_-_Pilot" - copy of the original pilot written by Paul Haggis

*pdf labeled "hcl" - Essay entitled "Screenwriting as Editing, Editing as Editing: Hard Core Logo from Page to Screen" - author unknown

*pdf labeled "hcrs" - Hard Core Roadshow by Noel Baker

*Zip file labeled "Misc C6D audio" - contains CotW commentary, HCL audio track, HCL commentary, and the Pontypool radio play.

The folder is available here. It'll be up until May 15th, and then it will disappear into the ether.

ETA: And it's all gone!

=freecycle/for sale, ^shareable media, c6d.general

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