New due South fic by me and not-me

Sep 09, 2015 10:16

I have written a thing that is not a snippet!  (Though it's not very long.)

Intuition (805 words) by DesireeArmfeldt
Fandom: due South
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski
Characters: Benton Fraser, Ray Kowalski
Additional Tags: Episode Tag, Friends to Lovers
Summary: Post-Mountie-on-the-Bounty.

Also, I'd like to rec a couple of new/newish due South authors who have been posting to AO3 lately:

dance_across has written some interesting takes on Frannie, Thatcher and Victoria, and their relationships with Fraser, sometimes in the context of F/K

mrs_d has been writing F/K and some other things, including a Thatcher backstory piece and (most recently) a lovely Captain America crossover -- a mix of comedy and drama

Arwyn started with a series of photo-and-text stories about Lego RayK & Fraser (in collaboration with hereeatthiskitten), and has lately expanded into a comedic F/K kink series and a sweet & interesting first-time F/K fic.

Check out these new authors and encourage them to keep writing!

P.S.: mods -- something odd happened with tags; the tag set offered me ds.fic: fk.2015, but then when I tried to use the tag, LJ rejected it.  Not sure what's up with that.

.het, ds.fic: fk.2015, ds.fic: fraser/other m, +recs

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