new dS fic for "Raine's Rain Challenge"

Jun 02, 2015 23:23

Raine Wynde issued a challenge last month to write fic in any fandom, any pairing, any rating, 500 or more words with the theme "rain". Here's what I wrote.

Title: Westron Wynde
Rating: Teen And Up
Category: M/M
Fandom: due South
Relationship: Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski
Characters: Benton Fraser, Ray Kowalski, Diefenbaker, Robert Fraser
Length: 548 words

Summary: Like the cliché, "it was a dark and stormy night" -- and on that night, Fraser recites poetry and Ray responds to it, while Diefenbaker and dead!Bob add a few comments.

Fic on AO3.

ds.fic: fk.2015

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