Paul Gross’s Birthday Handcuff Fest April 30th Alert!

Apr 05, 2014 20:01

First there was Canadian Blowjob Day for CKR’s birthday. Then there was the Frottage Challenge for David Marciano’s birthday. And now, courtesy of my id, I invite you to participate in a Paul Gross Handcuff Challenge in honour of his birthday on April 30th! Yes, I know it’s only a week after the 20th anniversary of due South celebrations, but surely we can toss off 1k words of filthy porn involving Paul Gross and handcuffs in a week? Of course we can!

Although, to be clear: filthy porn would make me unspeakably happy, but it doesn’t HAVE to be porn at all. It could be casefic! It could be fade-to-black het or slash! It could be any one of the marvellous fanfic tropes available to us involving handcuffs - accidentally handcuffed together, with or without sex,? Yes! Bring it on! Personally I go to a happy place of consensual bondage, but hey, if something darker floats your boat, bring that on too! We all know how to read warnings!

I’m not making an AO3 collection because I’m embarrassed by how much I love Paul Gross in handcuffs but there will be a masterpost on the dS noticeboard (although it doesn’t have to be due South either) celebrating all the kinky bondage/serious casefic/gen application of tropes. I can’t wait!!!!

(PS no pressure but please all write porn thank you kindly ok I’ll go now)

=challenge announcements, c6d.general

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