In case you missed it, here is the new index for all the DS/C6D AU Challenge works posted this past weekend. Many, but not all, of these works are also posted in our
AO3 collection, so be sure to check out any you missed!
DS podfic:
Wars Not Yet Dreamed Of by
abbybanks. Podfic Reader(s):
luzula and
podfic_lover DS fic:
Untitled snippet for June posting by ButterflyGhost and ride_4ever
DS fic:
Untitled due South Rodeo AU teasers (WIP) (2840 words) by
malnpudl DS mixed media:
The Case of the Creepy Collector (177 words) by
sageness DS fic:
Why I Lied to You (dS, F/K, NC-17) by garonne
Twitch City fic:
all of this could be yours if the price is right (2811 words) by
DS art:
Supermountie and his Trusty Sidekick by
DS fic:
Mountie!Caroline by Luzula.
DS fic:
Through Death and After (Gen, Irene Zuko, rated G)" by Seascribe
DS/Adventure Time art:
Due South Time by love_jackianto1.
On a modly note, there's still plenty of time to join in if you have a DS/C6D AU bunny you want to play with -- we didn't require a signup deadline. Likewise, fanworks in all media are welcome and there's no minimum effort requirement. Check out
alternate_ds_c6d for more info. We'll be back with our final batch of AU fanworks at the beginning of September!