challenge! Porn Battle IX (Dressed to the Nines)

Jan 18, 2010 17:32

Writers and Artists! oxoniensis has opened phase one of Porn Battle IX (Dressed to the Nines). This is a twice yearly multi-fandom comment-fic and art challenge -- all the details can be found in this post. Right now she's accepting prompts, and after that the challenge will open! If you'd like Due South or any of the C6D fandoms to have a presence in this edition of the Porn Battle, go post your prompts (fandom + character/pairing/moresome + detail) over there soon!

Due South, Fraser/Elaine/Vecchio/Kowalski, red
Due South, Frannie/Meg, thigh-highs
Wilby Wonderful, Duck, window

Both fic and art are welcome, and anyone can write or make art to any prompt. It would be really nice if Due South had a fair showing in this round! :)

Technical note: You can always comment on Dreamwidth posts using OpenID, or you can create a free Dreamwidth account. Lots of people, including me, have DW account creation codes to share, so if you'd like one, please comment below and I'll try to get you hooked up. In addition, oxoniensis has created a challenge collection at the AO3, so you can put your fic right into the archive if you want to (not required). If you don't have an AO3 account and want one, you can request a creation code here.

=challenge announcements

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