Fic: Proposition 8 Drabble, F/K

Nov 07, 2008 14:35

Title: Proposition 8 Drabble
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski
Rating: Swearing.
Warnings: See rating. Also, weirdly fluffy for the subject matter. If that’s a warning. Unbeta’d.
Word Count: 232

Ray slapped the newspaper down on the table. “I hate my fucking country.” He growled, and reached for his coffee. He tipped it up to his mouth, pulled it back down, looked in it, and growled again when he realised it was empty. “Fucking hate it, sometimes.”

Fraser nodded, torn between feeling serious about the situation, and smiling at Ray’s morning grumpiness. Ray, unlike wine, had not mellowed with age. “Well, Ray, it’s only one of your countries.”

“Yeah, that’s one way of looking at it. The other way of saying that is that it is one of my countries, which sucks. The marriage thing practically only just came through, and bang, gone. Bigots, the lot of ‘em.”

“Only 52.5 per cent, Ray which is not exactly ‘the lot of them’. And, from 1850 California had a gender-neutral marriage statute, making it the first state in which gay marriage was legal. Of course, that was changed in 1977, but that’s hardly my point.”

“Frase? None of that was the point right now. None of it. The point is, California sucks. The US sucks. Canada, however, does not suck, and that is why I’m glad I’m here. With you.” He smiled, and reached for Fraser’s hand.

Fraser felt Ray’s fingers twist the ring on his finger, brushing over the knuckle and the body-warmed metal lightly, barely touching. He smiled.

“I’m happy too, Ray.”

X-posted to ds_slash

ds.fic: fk.2008

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