Title: Top Story in the Wrigley Union Recorder-Thursday, March 22nd, 2007
mickeymvtPrompt: Number 100 for
Flooding closes Mackenzie winter road near Wrigley Pairing: F/K; Vecchio/Stella
Rating: PG
Word Count: 677 words
Notes: Thanks to
bluebrocade for a super-speedy and thorough beta
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Oh, I know... the answer is:
Under normal conditions, yes.
But with Fraser involved, who knows?
File this under Magical Realism, X-Files, or Kolchak: The Night Stalker division?
Like how if you boil water (100 degrees C) though the entire lot is boiling, only the stuff at the top will evaporate.
Also keep in mind that the Mackenzie River is VERY deep and that while water does freeze at 0 degrees C, only the first 2 feet or so actually freezes, the water underneath that is warmer and thus does not freeze. Hence, the cold water without the freezing.
Damned conversions!
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