The Towel Challenge by Aingeal

Sep 21, 2009 23:36

Title: The Towel Shelf
Author: Aingeal
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1179
Summary: When Fraser came to Chicago he had two towels. Two.
Notes: In under the deadline. Fluffiness of the towel type abounds.

The Towel Shelf

When Fraser first came to Chicago he owned two towels. He had one for drying his body with and the other for drying his hair. After use he would dry them, or launder them if required, so they were fresh and ready to use the next day. It was a routine that had served him well. When not in use they were neatly folded on the top shelf of the closet.

Except there was plenty of space on the shelf. Plenty of room for more towels.


“Benny you can't use your towel to dry Diefenbaker,” Ray said, slightly damp from Dief's earlier attempt to dry himself.

“It's fine, Ray, I can wash it afterwards,” Fraser replied. Luckily he ad missed most of the spray Dief had produced as he'd shaken his coat.

“That's not the point. What if you're both wet and you need to dry off?” Ray wiped his coat.

“We could share it.”

“No, way. You're not sharing a towel with Dief.”

Diefenbaker whined. He didn't seem too fond of the idea either.

“I could use a sheet.”

Ray sighed. “Hold on, I'll go and get one of Ma's old ones.”

“Your mother won't mind?”

“I'll tell her it's for a good cause. And don't dry Dief until I get back,” Ray said as he opened the door.

Fraser looked at the bedraggled, damp wolf. “I won't, Ray.”

As it turned out by the time Ray returned with the towel Dief was more or less dry. Still, the towel was a gift, and Fraser neatly folded it and placed it on the shelf.


Ray was wet and naked in the shower. It had taken Fraser a long time to convince Ray to use the communal bathroom in his apartment building (not entirely for altruistic reasons, he admitted). In the end the fact he was dirty had outweighed Ray's objections about hygiene. However, now there was a problem.

“Ah.” Fraser wasn't sure how to break it to Ray.

“What's 'ah'?”

“It would appear that my towels aren't dry. I laundered them this morning but the dryer was out of order.”

“You don't have any dry towels I can use?” Ray asked, looking about in the hope there was one.

“There's always Diefenbaker's towel.”

“I am not using Dief's towel!” Ray rolled his eyes. “Look, get my wallet out of my jacket pocket and go and buy me two towels.

“Are you sure, Ray?”

“I can wait here, maybe get some more dirt off,” he said picking up the soap.

Fraser left him to it and went to buy Ray a couple of towels. He soon located the towel section of the local supermarket. The problem was there was a bewildering array of towels on offer. There were various sizes, materials and colours. Fraser wasn't entirely sure what the difference between Egyptian cotton and ordinary cotton was, aside from its geographical place of origin. Nor was he familiar with terms such as 'azure blue', well, not when they were applied to towels.

In the end he went for a deep green, the sort of shade he thought would match Ray's eyes. Ray seemed pleased with his choice, even if he had missed the significance of the choice of colour. At least Fraser found out that, yes, they did match Ray's eyes.

Sitting on the closet shelf they reminded Fraser of Ray. They weren't well used but when they were, Fraser made the most of it.


Ray held out the package carefully, although it didn't look fragile.

“I brought you a present, Benny,” he said.

Fraser took the package from his friend. It felt soft and... squishy. “Thank you, Ray,” he said, examining the ordinary looking brown paper covering.

“You don't have to thank me.”

Slowly Fraser opened the package, some blue began to peek out from under the brown paper. He guessed what the items were before he'd fully unwrapped the package - two blue towels. He wasn't sure what to say.

“You need more colour in your closet,” Ray said. “And you've got enough red.”

“They're very nice Ray. Thank you.” Fraser rubbed his hand against them. They were very soft. He picked up a corner and rubbed it between his finger and thumb. They were fairly thick too; quite luxurious.

“They match your eyes,” Ray said, quietly.

Fraser looked up from his inspection. “They do?”

“Yeah.” Ray was nodding.

“Would you like to see me wear them?” asked Fraser, trying not to sound too forward.

“You're having a shower?” Ray frowned.

“I don't have to, Ray. I could just wear them now.”

“You want to...” Ray waved a hand, “now?”

“If you would like to see me in them.”

Ray gave a tentative smile. “I would.”

Fraser picked up the towels and headed toward the closet. “Shall I...?” He indicted the door with a tip of his head.

Ray came over and opened the closet door. “Go and change in the closet, Benny.”

“Thank you, Ray.”

It didn't take Fraser long. Soon he was out of his uniform and wearing the large towel around his waist. He had draped the smaller towel around his shoulders. He stepped out of the closet to see if Ray did like him in them.

“What do you think, Ray?” he asked, turning around.

“You look really good in them, Benny.”

“I do?”

“Oh come here, Benny,” Ray said, taking hold of both ends of the towel draped around Fraser's shoulders, and pulling him toward him.

The force took Fraser a little by surprise, but he had little time or inclination to protest when Ray was kissing him. Especially when Ray's fingers dipped into the waistband and loosened the bottom towel.


“You look good in towels, Benny, but you look better out of htem,” Ray said to a naked Fraser.

The towels lay discarded by the side of the bed.

“Would you wear the green one, Ray?” Fraser asked, wanting to see Ray in a towel now he had seen him not wearing anything at all.

“What? You've got a towel fetish now?” asked Ray, smiling, just a little.

“They do seem to produce satisfying results,” Fraser said, deliberately looking down at the two of them.

“Fine, I'll go and get the towel,” Ray replied, hauling himself out of bed.


Several weeks later Fraser rearranged his closet. It didn't take him long as he carefully placed the newest towel on top of the pile. Ray had suggested they need a few spares. For some reason they got through towels quicker than they could be laundered.

The white towels, there were now four of them not including Dief's, were stacked up at one side. The blue towels were placed neatly on top of the green ones. Diefenbaker's towel was at the bottom of the pile of 'burgundy' towels, which had been a Christmas present from Elaine. On top of them lay the newest towels, an anniversary present from Ray. White towels with pictures of beavers on them. Best of all there was still for some more towels, on the top shelf of the closet.

towel challenge

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