Title: The Amazing Adventures of SuperwolfTM Vol. 1: A Sticky Situation
moosesalPrompt: Mild mannered Diefenbaker has a secret identity as SuperwolfTM, dedicated to cleaning up crime wherever he may find it and protecting the city of Chicago from evil menaces. But when Fraser is kidnapped by Diefenbaker's arch enemy - The Evil Mutant Doughnut of
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Comments 35
The Evil Mutant Doughnut of EvilTM wasn’t actually a doughnut, of course. It was man and that was his superhero name. He was actually an evil mutant doughnut maker of evil. Although he didn’t make evil, he made doughnuts. And committed horrific crimes. How had this come about?
The poor girl had stood there in shock until she looked down and saw her reflection in the glass countertop whereupon she forced a smile through the thick icing and gave a less-enthusiastic-than-desired by the Evil Mutant Doughnut of EvilTM but whole-hearted nonetheless, “Go Bears.” There may have been a small fistpump in the air, but the narrator isn’t clear because the traumatic nature of the circumstances made the countergirl’s retelling a tad unreliable.
*more applause*
*hands you a box of non-evil blueberry glazed doughnuts*
Great to see Dief get Fraser out of a sticky situation. The Rays' argument is priceless. And Elaine is indeed wise.
The last line takes the cake doughnut, though. :)
P.S. I think I missed the Dune reference; might have glazed over a bit :) ...but the reference to that old Dunkin' Donuts commercial made me laugh out loud.
I loved this! I loved the flashback! I loved that you quoted Dune!!! I loved it all and I can't wait for the movie to come out! I would totally send you donuts but they would be stale by the time you got them.
Re: blueberry doughnuts. There was a time long ago when my father had hired an unwisely large number of teenage boys to work as hay hands. Mom, exhausted by the challenge of feeding adolescents working long hours doing hard physical labor broke down and bought twelve dozen blueberry donuts on sale for a buck a dozen (many, many long years ago) tohave on hand for desserts. They were alleatenbetween lunch and dinner on the same day they were bought.
Julia, so Evil Mutant Donuts ofEvil, TM, indeed.
He barked his question -- “By whom?” -- knowing they probably would pretend they didn’t understand and that his proper grammar would be lost on them even if they did understand him.
Also Fraser as the sidekick.
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