The current amnesty challenge is almost over. Winter is coming to an end! \o/ Or perhaps summer is almost over. Depends on your POV. Anyway, it seems like it's time for some good, old fashioned, dirty fun. Y/Y?
china_shop is currently trapped under something heavy caught up in the whirligig of life and has taken advantage of my current bout of Challenge Fever and asked me to run the next
ds_flashfiction event: the 2nd Due South Intentional Badfic Challenge!
It's going to be HORRIFICALLY ASTOUNDINGLY EYE-POPPINGLY AWESOME! So come and play - let your crazy out!! We're looking for as many people to participate as we can get. We need older writers! Brand new writers! Older fans! New fans! Fraser fans! Fans of both Rays! WELSH fans!
I'll give you a day to really think of the BEST BADFIC SCENARIO you can possibly come up with, and then, tomorrow, it's a GO!
How it works: Everyone submits a badfic prompt. If you submit a prompt I will assume you are also writing. Prompts will be randomly shuffled and assigned. You then have the two week challenge time to write and post your badfic.
It's fun! It's easy! It's Due South! We have MOUNTIES. And COPS. And CANONICAL deaf half-wolves and talking dead fathers and Turnbull. The crazyfic writes itself!
I will put up a master post for you to submit your badfic prompt tomorrow. Assignments will be handed out at the end of the week.
If you want to see how it ran last time, check out the
admin posts, and then read the FUN FUN CRAZY TIMES that followed!
Again. Full details tomorrow. Today just kind of poke around, get familiar with the tone of the challenge, get some ideas stewing in your brain, TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS, and keep an eye on this space!