As is traditional at this time of year,
ds_flashfiction is now having its holiday amnesty! Check out the awesome possibilities in the tag list
180 degrees challenge, 5 minutes after challenge, 7ds challenge, anywhere challenge, apocalypse challenge, authority challenge, bad sex challenge, badfic challenge, broken challenge, bullet challenge, button challenge, canoe challenge, cave-in challenge, challenge challenge, cheating challenge, chicago holiday challenge, cliche challenge, courteous ray challenge, courtesy challenge, curtain challenge, dancing challenge, darkest before dawn challenge, darkness challenge, dating challenge, dead bob challenge, depot challenge, diary challenge, dirty challenge, documentation challenge, dog's life challenge, door challenge, double-take challenge, dreams challenge, drive challenge, dsm prompts challenge, episode title challenge, ffu challenge, five challenge, footwear challenge, for richer or poorer challenge, foreign tongue challenge, forgiveness challenge, fraser whomping challenge, fuck or die challenge, genderfuck challenge, genre challenge, gotr challenge, gross out challenge, halloween challenge, hat challenge, hourglass challenge, ice challenge, ink challenge, insults challenge, items challenge, jewelry challenge, kaleidoscope challenge, key challenge, knickers challenge, laundry challenge, lie or lay challenge, lube challenge, make-up challenge, marriage challenge, masturbation challenge, mendacity challenge, miracles challenge, mix and match challenge, movies challenge, mute fraser challenge, naive fraser challenge, necking challenge, new environments challenge, no power challenge, naked without sex (nos) challenge, oc challenge, one night stand challenge, original cotw shooting script challenge, packing challenge, paint challenge, porn challenge, public sex challenge, quadruped challenge, queer challenge, recipe challenge, refusal challenge, rent challenge, road sign challenge, scars challenge, school challenge, secrets challenge, self-insertion challenge, sexual exploration challenge, shakespeare challenge, shed challenge, shopping list challenge, sisterhood challenge, soap challenge, something gets it challenge, songfic challenge, space challenge, summer of '79 challenge, sunlight challenge, superpower challenge, sweat challenge, tease challenge, telephone challenge, threesome challenge, time challenge, transportation challenge, turnbull likes cheese challenge, undercover amnesty, undercover challenge, vecchio challenge, voyeurism challenge, wager challenge, water challenge, weaponry challenge, window challenge
Does that whet your appetite or what? *g*
It's December 17, and I'm going to keep this open a while -- stories are due by midnight, January 14, 2009,
Chicago time.