TEAM ANGST: Day 14, "Dead on Arrival"

Nov 06, 2007 13:01

Title: Dead on Arrival
Author: secretlybronte
Team: Angst
Prompt: "She was the last one."
Pairing(s): F/K
Length: 31,000 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: graphic violence, non-graphic sexual violence involving an underage character, minor character death, very mild bondage
Author's Notes: This story had no hope of being everything I wanted it to be, but, in it, I see glimpses of my aspirations for it. I wish to thank three people in particular for their help: nos4a2no9 for her initial encouragement and for her beta assistance with the beginning; keerawa for her willingness to beta through the middle, even in the face of inclement weather; and omphale23 for stepping in at the eleventh hour and betaing the first 25,000 words with precision and insight. For whatever happened at the end, I take full responsibility. Also, I wish to thank Team Angst, who never seemed to believe me when I said I couldn't possibly finish. I'm still not sure how I did, but thank you for your faith. I'm even more grateful for your friendship. Thanks most of all to the readers... I think of you devoting a couple hours of your night to this story and I am humbled. I hope it was worth it.
Summary: Two years, two new identities, 4000 miles, and the struggle to survive. For Ray, the only thing harder than leaving home is finding a way back.

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Dead on Arrival Link to Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV

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