Title: Cravings
Author: Luciferofthecircle
Rating: There’s some dark imagery. PG-13 to be safe?
Word Count: 259
Notes: I haven’t written much before, so I’m taking this challenge as an opportunity to experiment with regards to style. I’ve been reading a lot of
Neil Gaiman lately so this was inspired/influenced by him.
Summary: No creature can exist without dreaming
They lie together, dark hair mingling, pale skin next to pale skin. Her mind reaching for his tangling, twisting, ensnaring him. Some kind of succubi, dark and scheming. Feeding on his thoughts, desires, fears and dreams. Seeing past, seeing future, all that he is, was and will ever be. Taking dreams both long forgotten and before they are even formed. Knowing before he does what will come to pass. Knowing better than him how he came to be this way.
No creature can exist without dreaming, dreams bring sanity, perspective. Those deprived of dreaming take the dreams of others; twist them to their own needs. This is not sustainable, this is not life but a mere extension of existence, depressing and colourless, filled with darkness until crushing despair calls for a final cessation. And the dreamers who sustain them are also called into the pit if, at the time of ending, they cannot break free.
She feeds.
Glimpses, flashes, a taste of snow, a wan child crying for his mother. She never comes. A child’s drawing. A man on horseback. The woods, late at night. Images flickering, too fast to see, to comprehend. Impressions, fleeting. A boomerang?
A snowstorm. The northern lights above. Love. Pain. Conflict. Darkness. Whose? What cause?
A light, a golden Ray of sunshine. A future, without her. Love. Healing. Resolution. Light. Joy. A happy ending. Eventually.
So now she knows. She cannot change or avoid what is to come. She does not wish to. What will be must be.
She rises and begins to clean.
So what do you think? If you don’t get it, please say. Unbetaed as I do not have one. (I’d like one though - hint, hint)