Badfic Challenge by shoemaster

Apr 18, 2006 00:20

Title: There's a Moon Out Tonight
Author: shoemaster
Rating PG-13 (Ray has a potty mouth!)
Word Count: 2046
Summary Fraser's hid his true nature from everyone in America for years. RayV was starting to figure it out but the call from the Feds derailed his probing questions. Whew! But RayK is so much more persistent... and there's something about him that Fraser just can't put his finger on...

When a case involving mysterious giant rabbits leaps into their lives, both of their shocking secrets are reviled: RayK is a Were!mongoose and Fraser's a Were!Pine Martin!!!

Warnings: Watership down references, alfalfa, inappropriate use of a dripper bottle, and the Polish-Canadian version of the Weasel War Dance. for mousewrites

Somewhere in the Northwest Territories, 1986

Constable Benton Fraser of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police was doing what he did best; tracking lost tourists across the tundra. The full moon cast an eerie glow across the snowy ground, giving the world an ethereal appearance, Benton felt at peace, though his attention remained on his duties.

There in the snow! He spotted a heavy footprint, and there was a shadowy figure on the ground. Indeed, as he grew closer he realized that the figure was obviously a Pine Marten of the American variety. It was odd to see one so far north, but Benton was intrigued, so he bent to examine it. The marten had appeared to be asleep or unconscious, but when the Mountie gently prodded him, his beady eyes flew open and he launched himself at Benton’s face, teeth bared.

This was extremely abnormal behavior, but perhaps the strange climate had made it crazed. That would explain why it had currently latched itself onto Benton’s left eyebrow and refused to let go. Benton didn’t want to harm the creature so, though he was in immense pain and bleeding rather profusely, he attempted to remove it carefully, but the marten’s swinging body made it difficult for him to get a firm grip.

Unfortunately, during the scuffle, Benton lost his footing on the snow and fell backwards, hitting his head upon an ill-placed rock, rendering him unconscious. The pine marten was displeased with limp prey and ran off to the east.

When Benton awoke a few hours later, the bleeding had stopped, the sun had risen and the vicious pine marten was far out of sight, so he continued his hunt for the missing tourist. He found the man a few kilometers eastward of his position, looking dazed and disoriented.

As Benton guided him back to the RCMP outpost, the man apologized profusely.

“Think nothing of it, sir; I was merely performing my duties.”

One Month Later
Fortunately, the night of his first change, Benton was in his RCMP provided quarters, alone, reading a book. Unfortunately, the book was rather large, and proved quite unruly when he made the sudden transformation to a quadruped. Fortunately, he sustained no injuries.

Chicago, 1996

“Hey, Benny, Ma wants to know if you wanna come to dinner tonight, she’s making lasagna.”

“Ah, no thank you, Ray, I fear I have plans for a… scrabble tournament with some of the residents of my building. Mr. Mistagi???? Would be very disappointed if I cancelled. Perhaps another time?”

Ray was giving him an odd look. Oh no, had he already used that excuse to avoid his friend? Fraser tried his very best but could not remember, luckily, Ray just shrugged. “Yeah, whatever, Benny. You have fun with that.”

Fraser tipped his hat to Ray as he rose, “I better get on my way if I’m to make it in time. Give your mother my regrets.”

“Will do, see you tomorrow, buddy.”

Fraser sighed as he walked out of the precinct, he hated lying to his friend, but it was for the best, Ray and the rest of the Vecchios could never understand.

Chicago, 1998

Yet another lunar cycle was reaching its apex, and Fraser was running out of excuses as to how he spent his evenings away from his partner, Ray. It had been a bit easier, back before the performance arsonist known as Greta Garbo burned down his apartment building. Now that he slept in his office at the consulate, he was generally less inclined to retire to his quarters as early as he might, and his social network had been cut down considerably.

He knew Ray must be beginning to suspect something was odd about his disappearances, but he had yet to ask. Perhaps he was building up the courage, which would explain his jumpy behavior all day, and the way his long graceful fingers thrummed with excess energy upon his steering wheel.

“Is something bothering you, Ray?” If he did suspect, it was foolish to give him an opening such as this, but Fraser couldn’t help but worry that something else was bothering his dear friend.

“No, Frase, I’m fine. I just. I was thinking.” Fraser waiting patiently for Ray to form his thoughts more completely, as one hand came away from the wheel to run nervously through his experimental hair. “I was wondering if maybe you’d want to have dinner with me tomorrow night. Someplace nice. Like with those cloth napkins and no condo- condi- ketchup on the table.” Ray glanced at him hopefully.

Fraser’s breath hitched in his chest, he hardly dare believe it was true, but it sounded as though Ray had just asked him out on a date! It was a wonderful development but…. tomorrow night was the full moon and there was no denying her powerful call.

“I-I-I can’t Ray.”

He looked crushed, like he had been on those occasions with Stella and the alderman. How I wanted to hurt her then, for putting that look on his face, how I wanted to hurt myself as well. “Ray-”

“Don’t worry about it Frase. It was a dumb idea anyway.” He wasn’t looking at me anymore, just staring out into the empty street.

“I can expl-”

“You don’t gotta explain nothing. I should go.” With that he started up the engine, obviously waiting for me to make my exit.

I opened the door, but hesitated with one foot still in the GTO, “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Yeah, sure,” he agreed, but his voice sounded hollow.

“Goodnight, Ray.” I waited a moment, but he didn’t answer, so I closed the door behind me, and watched as he peeled out into traffic, the glowing taillights disappearing into the distance.


Ray felt like he’d been torn into a million little pieces. And then run over by a truck. And then fed to the squirrels. He put everything on the line for Fraser, but Fraser said he couldn’t. No explanation no nothing. Just an “I can’t Ray.” Maybe he hadn't wanted to hear anymore but. Fuck it hurt.

Ray spent the rest of the evening getting very drunk with his special bottle of Johnnie Walker, he had been meaning to keep it for a special occasion, something celebratory but instead he was stuck alone in his apartment, drinking alone. He was pathetic.

So while he got well and truly drunk that evening he still woke up the next morning in time for work. He was very cranky all day and made Frannie angry but it wasn’t his fault. Fraser probably wouldn’t want to be his friend d any more and that made Ray sad, and a sad Ray was a cranky Ray.

“Vecchio, I got a case for you,” Welsh called from his office.

“Yeah, Lieu?”

“There’s some giant rabbits terrorizing the people along Pulaski, I want you and Fraser on it.”

Fraser. The name brought pangs to Ray’s heart. “Yeah ok, Lieu. I’ll call him and see if he’s available.”

“See that you do, Vecchio.”

But Ray didn’t call Fraser, he didn’t want to listen to his weak excuses any more. Ray knew that Fraser didn’t love him, just like Stella. Neither of them were even willing to try.

He worked all day, all by himself, and well into the evening. The full moon was already up by the time he got around to surveying the wearhouse his sources had all told him about. As he stepped out of the Goat, Ray almost stepped on a…mongoose? Or one of those things from the Lion King… a meerkat? Fuck, what the hell was it doing in Chicago?

Still, he managed to sidestep the weird looking creature to approach the building and peer into the windows.

“Ow! Fuck!” Ray brought his hand up to his outh, sucking on his now bloody fingers.

He looked down at the mongoose-meerkat-whatever that had been following him earlier.

“You bit me! You little piece of shit!”

(Ray may or may not have kicked the little rodent, but it was a bloodthirsty animal, and he was defending himself!)

With the creepy animal finally gone, Ray could finally peer into the window of the wearhouse. Christ that was the biggest cabbage he’d ever seen. How many bigos could you make with that thing? … A lot. What was really disconcerting though, was the giant bite that had been taken out of the top. Who or what had made that? They certainly looked like teeth marks from Ray’s vantage point.

He heard a shout from around the corner and as there wasn’t much dark to hide in under the light of the moon, he made a quick get away. Hopefully he’d be able to come back and investigate the ultimate bigos cabbage owner next week.

It was early evening when he got back to his apartment but Ray felt unbelievably tired, the way his luck was going, the mongoose-meerkat-whatever probably had rabies. Or Ebola.

(The first full moon)

It had been a month since Ray’s disastrous attempt to further his relationship with Fraser, and things were slowly deawkwardifying, but today Fraser had seemed really down in the dumps.

“You doing okay, Frase?”

“I’m fine, Ray.”

“You ain’t acting fine, buddy.”

“I have an obligation this evening that I don’t anticipate going very well.”

“Oh, that really bites, Fraser.”

“I suppose it does, yes,” Fraser looked at the clock on the wall. “In fact, I better get going if I’m going to make it in time.”

“Sure, I’ll just finish up here, you go ahead.” Ray absolutely did not watch Fraser’s ass in those dumb ass pumpkin pants as he walked away.

He left a few minutes after Fraser, but stopped at Sandor’s for a pizza before heading home. Night had fallen and the room had almost risen by the time he got in the door. Just as he was sitting down to eat he felt the strangest sensation come over him. He blinked and shook his head willing the fuzziness away but…

HOLY SHIT. His pizza had grown like a million times. No wait, his entire apartment had. Ray looked around from his position on the coffee table. Fuck that was a long drop… Why were his hands all small and furry? What the fuck? Fuck! Ray caught sight of his reflection in the television but that couldn’t be him!

HE looked like one of those meerkat mongooses from the cabbage night!

He had to get Fraser. Fraser would know what do. But no… Fraser had plans, and what would it look like, him showing up at Fraser’s like this? Not as sexual as he had fantasized about every night before going to bed, seeing as he currently had four legs and a tail, and Ray didn’t think Fraser would be into that.

Still, there was no one else he could go to. Luckily, Ray had left the window open, so he jumped down off of the coffee table and then over onto the chair and out the window, down the fire escape and finally into the street. It was a trek to the Canadian Consulate but he managed.

He couldn’t knock on the door, so Ray made his way up to Fraser’s window and looked inside but the Mountie was no where insight. All Ray could see was Fraser’s uniform scattered haphazardly across the floor and his cot.

When Fraser said he had plans, Ray didn’t think he meant he had a date! No wonder Fraser had been anxious to leave. He’d been nervous, but obviously he didn’t need to be. Ray felt a sinking feeling in his gut. Fraser was probably having really hot sex in the Queen’s Bed while Ray was out here stuck as a mongoose-meerkat-whatever.

Ray turned around and slowly made his way back to his apartment, alone in the night.

Posted: Jan 5, 2004

WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT????? Will Fraser and Ray ever realize how similar their problems are? Will Fraser ever tell Ray how much he really loves him? Will they ever have sex the night of the full moon?? Review and find out!

April 18, 2006: Authors Note: Uhm thanks for all the reviews, guys but I really don’t think I’m ever going to finish this. Sorry!

badfic challenge

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