Title: Perfection in the Work
kindkitPairing: Ray K./Fraser
Rating: PG
Summary: A little sweat's a good thing.
Notes: Thanks to
glossing for another careful, incisive beta. The title comes from a saying sometimes (probably wrongly) attributed to Aristotle: pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.
2800 words )
Comments 70
His dad used to say that there was work that ground you down and work that built you up.
Oh, my. Yeah. I love the link he discovers between dancing and gardening, too.
This is superb, darling. *rereads*
I say it again: you beta like a goddess.
And I'm so glad you like this story. Because the truth is, I fucking love it. And it's rare for me to feel that good about my own writing.
They do!
it's rare for me to feel that good about my own writing.
Dude, that makes me...ecstatic. Wonders of a new fandom, yes? *twirling bearhug*
I love the way you just gradually slip the details of Ray and Fraser's life into the story, building this perfect picture of them so subtly it's just suddenly *there*.
Just a beautiful and beautifully built story.
Yay! (Okay, that sounds odd, but it's great that you found the story moving.)
I'm new to this fandom, but so far I haven't seen a lot of established-relationship stories, and that's something that really interests me. How people can be together, day to day, and make it work. So I thought I'd give one a try.
I'm delighted that you enjoyed it.
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