The Lie or Lay Challenge by noa

Mar 06, 2005 14:30

Title: Which Lie, What Truth
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Words: 820
Comments: I just wanted to put Fraser in a pair of loose jeans and a white button-down shirt. I also wanted to see what I could do with Fraser Senior.

"Tell him you're busy, Son."

"No, I'm not busy, Ray." Fraser gave his friend a tight-lipped smile.

"Great, Benny! See you tonight." Vecchio paused. "You feelin' all right?"

"Tell him you're sick and you don't have time for him tonight."

"Yes, I'm fine, Ray. Thank you kindly. I'll see you later tonight." After Fraser closed the door, he turned to look at his father. "I can't do it. You know I'm not good at lying."

Fraser Senior looked back at his son, unfazed. "All I'm saying is if you can't lie then tell him the truth."

"There is no 'truth' to be told." Fraser Junior gave his father an exasperated look before he set about his chores. He had to clean the dishes in the sink, roll up the bedroll, fix the light in the kitchen, wash the windows, and sweep. He gave his father a glance and found him beside Diefenbaker.

"Can you believe my son?" Fraser Senior crouched down and patted Diefenbaker on the head. "He says he can't lie and then he says he can't tell the truth. Does that make any sense to you? When did my son become so indecisive?" Bob Fraser gave his son a sidelong glance. "I was never indecisive about his mother. You will help him make up his mind, won't you? There's a good dog."

Diefenbaker gave a little whine.

"Dad." Fraser dried his hands on a towel. "Don't twist my words around. And will you keep him out of this. He doesn't know what to make of you. He sees that you're a familiar face, but you're not giving him any familiar smells."

Bob Fraser continued to pat Diefenbaker on the head. "Have you tried explaining to him that I'm dead, Son?

"Of course not. He wouldn't be able to sleep at night."

Diefenbaker gave another little whine.


Fraser was not ready when Vecchio arrived in the evening. His chores took much longer than expected, which he shamelessly blamed on his father. When his friend knocked on the door, he had only managed to pull on a pair of worn, faded jeans and button half of his white shirt. "I apologize, Ray. I seem to have misplaced my belt, although I have a suspicion that someone has hidden it." He rolled his eyes in the direction of the half-wolf.

"Well, tell the wolf to cough it up so we can go", Ray said with mild amusement. "We've only got an hour before the movie starts."

"An hour? Are you expecting a long wait in the ticket line?"

"No, but whenever I'm with you we somehow get sidetracked. I figured that I'd give us time to help some old lady across the street and still be able to grab good seats." Vecchio sat on a tired, green couch that was placed in the middle of the room. "Is this thing new?" He indicated the sofa.

"Here, Son, use my belt."

Fraser ignored his father as he padded across the apartment on bare feet in search of his lost belt. He held his worn jeans with one hand while he looked under various objects. "Yes, a kind donation from Mr. Mustafi."

"Is this the same Mr. Mustafi from down the hall who slams the door in your face?"

"Now, Ray. That was when I was still new to the neighborhood. He was just being precautious."

"Yeah, whatever."

Fraser spotted the buckle of his elusive belt under Diefenbaker's paw. He gave the wolf a stern look of disapproval before he reclaimed the item. He was about to push the belt through the first loop when the wolf jumped up and grabbed the end like it was a toy. "Diefenbaker! What are you doing?" The wolf pulled on his end playfully. "This is neither a toy nor a time to be playing games!" Diefenbaker pretended not to notice and tugged harder. "Don't play dumb. I know you can see my lips moving!" Just as Fraser gave it a particularly rough pull, the wolf let go and the mountie spun around onto a very surprised Vecchio. They continued their descent as the back of the tired couch gave way and sent them to the floor.

"That's the spirit," Fraser Senior said from somewhere. The junior Fraser hardly noticed. He looked into the startled, blue eyes of his friend and realized the "truth" that he had so securely locked away in the back of his mind. Now that he was so close -- literally lying on top of the man, feeling the quick beat of his heart and the warmth of his body -- there was no way to deny it.

"Ray, would you mind if we were sidetracked?"

Vecchio smiled slowly as he noticed the seriousness of his friend's question. "But weren't you excited to see that movie?"

"Yes," he lied.

"Benny, you're lying."

"I know."

The kiss that followed signified the end of conversation.
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