What Do Homosexual Spiders Do?

May 27, 2004 15:30

(The answer is in the story).

Title: Tracks in a Snowstorm
Author: Jane Symons
Pairing: K/m; F/K
Category: Slash; Crossover
Warning: Possibly verging on noncon sex (though not the primary pairing)
Link: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~gabriani/tracks.htm

I love long, plotty, episode-related stories. This one takes place immediately after 'Spy v. Spy', and features lots of episode references, bizarre goings-on typical of DS, plus appearances from most of the regulars, including a delightful cameo by Mort.

A brief summary: immediately after 'Spy v. Spy', Ray re-encounters Krycek (from the X-Files) who is undercover with Internal Affairs. They had previously met at a joint FBI/Chicago PD 'Information Sharing in the 21st Century' seminar when Krycek had taken an unreciprocated shine to Ray. For reasons that I won't go into at this juncture, Ray is persuaded to have sex with him in order to save Fraser from what he is led to believe will be deportation back to Canada and disgrace.

Although there is some not-quite-but-almost noncon sex which I know some people don't like, I hope that doesn't put anybody off. This is actually a very funny story. The writing is sharp and witty, the voices are good, and I can actually 'see' it as an episode in my head (apart -- sadly -- from the sex and the bondage). I love Jane Symons' writing ('Mr. Kowalski's Feeling for Snow' is up there in my top three) and I'm sad she only wrote three DS stories.

A tiny taster:
'Ray put up both hands in protest. "No, Fraser, I cannot let you think that! I am not the heroine of an opera. I am not the tragic victim of circumstance. I'm nothin' but a lousy opportunist, takin' the chance to grab one or two illicit little thrills. I'm a filthy slut, Fraser, I wanted it to happen and I enjoyed every damn moment of it!"

I watched in open mouthed astonishment as Ray threw down a bill and hurried out of the restaurant. Never let it be said that eating out with him was dull.

Had I been dreaming? Had I just heard Ray Kowalski, torch bearer to Stella, driver of the GTO, lover of women, tough street-wise jumping Bogarde all over you cop, say that he'd enjoyed having sex with another man? The same Ray Kowalski who'd grown very defensive when I'd simply given him the word closet in a word association test? The man who'd once shouted hysterically at me to stop touching his inner thigh?

It seemed impossible but it had happened and if I sat around with my mouth drooping open for very much longer, apart from swallowing a few flies, I could lose what I considered to be the opportunity of a lifetime.'
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