Title: Smeared
belmanoirPairing: Fraser/Vecchio pre-slash
Rating: PG
Word Count: 233
Prompt: 27. the ceiling
Notes: beta'd by
Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine and I am making no money off this.
One day while Benny's sleeping and Ray's at the precinct pretending he's working, he goes into the evidence room and looks at the fingerprints they found in Fraser's apartment. Page after page of his prints, dirty smears across Fraser's neat apartment to match the red smear on Fraser's perfect back.
They're all labeled. "Interior doorknob," "dog food bowl; sides and bottom," "windowsill #1A; 2 inches from left," "ceiling, kitchen area"--ceiling? How the hell did he get fingerprints on Benny's ceiling? They dusted the ceiling? Guess Welsh really did pull some strings, get this made top priority.
While he's driving home he remembers. He was making spaghetti sauce. He stood on a chair and touched his fingertips to the ceiling for balance while he peered into the top shelves of Benny's cabinets, trying to find a whisk. In the end he gave up and used the wooden spoon. He complained the whole time but--he was happy. He looked at Benny, who was talking about traditional Inuit cooking implements, and just felt this contentment. It seems like forever ago.
It's not until he gets to his house to change his clothes and sees the cleaning crew he hired, working their asses off for the third day in a row, that he realizes Benny's fingerprints are smeared over every inch of his place too. For some weird reason, that actually makes him feel better.