Title: Ray's Memory, Part 1/2
belmanoirPairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Rating: PG
Word count: 2,471
Summary: Ray has lost his memory, and Fraser can't handle it.
Notes: My first Fraser POV fic! Inspired by the following conversation with
snoopypezme: i would like to see the injury that would make ray forget fraser
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This is SUCH a great read! I loved it!! Please write more!!!
hee, thank you! so glad you liked it. Amnesia: Bringing People Together Since 1949. (actually probably before then too, that's just the founding date of Mills and Boon.)
Lololol. Wriiiiiite mooooooore! And! Tell me where I can find other RayV/Fraser stuff you've written!!!!! Do I just do a search for your username in ds_closet? :D
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