(already posted on themyokspacefacebookster, but again for those of you who don't do that shiz)
So that left arm of mine sure is broken.
If I havent called or written back in the past few days, its probably because I was:
a) writhing on the ground of a bike trail that 911 dispatch doesnt have on their maps.
b) in the county hospital, being deliriously pleasant with the nurses who kept injecting me with morphine.
c) drowsing in a vicodin-forced stupor somewhere in the east bay.
So please remember me somewhere in that big old heart of yours while I recover in the suburban security of Irvine, CA.
The arm is snapped right across the forearm with both radial and ulnal fractures. The nice Indian man put me to sleep after telling me a joke about rabbit stew. Then the as-of-yet unidentified man cut open my arm. He implanted small metal plates to stabilize the gap until the bones can heal around them, and then wrapped it all up in plaster. The various nurses laughed with me about my flagrant disregard for bicycle safety, and helped me with morphine and the urinals. When it was time to go, a nice social worker told me that since I was so poor, the state would pay for nearly everything. So I wanna give all of you tax-paying Alameda County residents a right handed thanks for the ambulance ride and extremely comfortable three day stay at county.
Thanks to my visitors so far; brent for the mothering, erin schultz for the cake, and mike moss for the Arizona iced tea.
Best July to you all, when we meet next I may have a seriously manly moustache to go along with my incredibly overdeveloped right arm.
Keep on pumpin!