You guys are awful quiet...*wonders what trouble you're getting into*

Feb 27, 2010 21:41

Whatcha doing? Have you started writing? Or are you like me, ignoring the whole idea of your story in hopes that little elves will write it for you while you sleep?

March is just around the corner and deadlines are starting to creep up. Remember that your rough draft of at least 20k and your summary for the artists are due Wednesday, April 7th. A lot of you will be having fun at Bitchin' Party that weekend and some of us will be sobbing forlornly into our pillows. Just turn your draft in before you go off and have loads of fun.

tygermama found a useful word counter, for those who'd like a little widget-y thing to keep track of how far along you are.">

Paste the code above into your post, change the "0000" to your current number of words and ta-da! A little word counter.

For example, just to inspire you all with my leadership skillz, here's mine:

Wow. 2%. /o\

And finally, the next chat is this coming Saturday, March 6th - it's an afternoon chat, so it starts at noon PST (UTC-8). If you are like me and fail frequently at time zones, click here and find a city in your time zone to find out when the chat will start. We've been having a lot of luck with Skype, so go here for instructions, if you need them.

So, a quick, meaningless, just-for-fun quiz. Comment with:

1. your favorite color
b. your favorite fruit
III. your favorite animal
4. current word count
e. current pet peeve about writing/arting/innocent bystanding

chat, mod post

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