Next chat - tomorrow Feb 6th @ noon PST (UTC-8)

Feb 05, 2010 22:43

*shakes pom-poms*

How's everyone doing? How far along is your Big Bang story? Have you even started it? I know I haven't.../o\

Tell me in the comments where you are story-wise, how enthusiastic (or not) you're feeling about your story, and tell me if your are starting to panic yet. Though it is a little early for panicking.

Anyway, chat tomorrow. Instructions, as copypasted from the last couple of times...

We are now using Chatango, since it seems to be more stable than YIM has been. Go to this post. There is a chat window under the cut. At the bottom right of the chat window is a "Set name" button. Click that and either log in (if you have a Chatango account) or enter your username. Please don't use an anonymous name, it's very confusing.

This post is under a cut and locked to the community because it's always open and always available. Please join the community if you haven't already. Don't say anything that you might find embarrassing. Also, there's no way to save the history of the chat, so if you get a brilliant bit of thought out of the chat, you need to write it down.

Anyone is welcome to the chat - writers, artists, cheerleaders, betas, innocent bystanders, what-have-yous. Come and chat and giggle and laugh with us.

While Chatango is working with our larger groups, some of us are uncomfortable with the somewhat public nature of the chat. I have been half-heartedly looking at other options, when a RL friend who is really, really into MafiaWars on FaceBook was telling me how he and his MafiaWars friends use Skype for group IMs. So, a quick poll...

Poll Skype?

If you already have Skype, please add me (akamine_chan is my Skype name) - it's hard to try this out by myself.

Questions, comments, complaints? You know where to leave them.


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