what would actually be cool

Dec 19, 2010 03:36

sorry, vegans, but my hands smell like garlic because i've been eating king crab. i eat species with exoskeletons, yes.

k but what would actually be cool - if they did more human vs humans sci fi. like, maybe this would be overkill since it's too soon after bsg. i think it would be interesting if humans voluntarily fucked off to a planet to see if their bodies could be wired for something like biotics or nanoprobes or whatever, etc. (can it be something that made them black light reactive or am i being kind of twilight here). but honestly - would they wait for volunteers, or would they just pillage us? the idea of volunteers is interesting, idk. they'd be pretty conscious of the fact they'd been bred from a self-selected group. maybe it would be more interesting if they knew they were picked by the aliens. but why would aliens be "hey, we can teach you this shit for some commodity" unless it was a tactical intelligence-gathering necessity. i wonder whether would be free to "go turn humanity over for experimentation" or whether there would be laws against that. i also wonder whether a species that had mastered ~warp five~ or whatever would be required to get here would also have mastered the kind of scanners they had on these ships. abduction is just so messy, idk.

but is it cliche to have a relatively technophobic or isolationist earth? i'm guessing yes. i also think it would be so accurate it's overdone by now to give them smartphone-type devices that they couldn't live without. you could ground the business world's xenophobia in humanity's desire to, in layman's terms, defend satellites or w/e. keep the tubes (in the general cultural sense) open. and that's precisely when the show would get marxist and hopefully will not fail as much as certain late 60s movies that shall remain unnamed. if you make humanity into a bunch of navel-gazing dicks who are addicted to tv and internet and npr or whatever, you just can't avoid commenting on the power of the cultural industry. i'm not saying it's like ~inherently gramscian~ or whatever, but it would be easy to go down that road. i'm not entirely convinced that most people would give a shit, and i'm a bit more convinced that i have this terrible tendency to really fap over certain themes and motifs.

wow, calling us humanity makes us sound so much more benevolent and important than we are. anyway, fuck humanity.

what the fuck would aliens want from us? uranium? carnival glass? is it so far-fetched to picture a society so advanced and rich and stable that they'd wander around for shits and giggles? could a wussy salarian type civ take an interest in us as potential shock troops, or are there a bunch of warrior races out there?

many things to resolve.
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