Following the Day of DS9, it's time again for a DS9 friending meme! We could all use some more Niners on our flists/tumblrs/general-circle-of-acquaintances.
(You don't have to be a member of the community to participate, of course!)
Name:Sum yourself up in ten words:Where else can you be found online? (Dreamwidth, Tumblr, etc.)Where do you tend to hang out in DS9 fandom? Do you participate in making graphics, writing fic, etc.?Your favorite DS9 episodes:Your favorite DS9 characters:Your favorite DS9 pairings:Other fandoms:What are we likely to find on your journal?Rec something DS9-related:Something awesome, like a GIF or a quote: And after you're done making new friends, be sure to stop by
our Comment Ficathon!