Nothing Else Matters: Chapter 11

Jan 26, 2010 22:45

 Over the next two days, Lexie felt like she was walking on a cloud. It was odd because she and Mark were only being friends. Sure there may have been longing glances on her part (she was oblivious to his glances towards her as well) but they managed to keep their relationship strictly platonic. And while being friends with Mark had it’s benefits of scrubbing in on extra cool surgeries, even the mighty Dr. Sloan couldn’t get her out of this.

Lexie walked into the medical supply closet and began stocking the shelves. The "Surgical Powers That Be" still thought she needed mindless work and assigned the task of restocking every supply closet in the building; even the ones in the clinic. The task was meant to take forever to finish in attempts to prevent her from cutting up other interns again. Lexie fully understood the ridiculousness of her previous actions and that she had almost destroyed her career before it even had a chance to begin. But she still couldn’t bring herself to feel bad about what she did. Sure, she felt horrible that the surgery went wrong and that Sadie was moments away from death; but that didn’t negate the adrenaline rush she felt with that first incision. That moment was what she dreamt about. What she worked herself to the bone for. Becoming a surgeon was her life’s dream and she would try to make that happen for as long as she still had air in her lungs and a heart beating in her chest.

She was finished stocking the IV kits and moved on to the bottles of rubbing alcohol with a sigh. Not really paying attention, Lexie vaguely heard the door to the supply closet being shut. Before she knew it, she was then suddenly pushed up against the shelf she was currently restocking. Rough lips captured hers and for a moment she paused. A second passed and when she recognized the smell of his cologne, she relaxed her lips and began to move them against his in response. The stress that had been festering in her body for the past couple weeks flowed out of her body like water down a drain. Her usually chaotic and cluttered mind went blank from the sheer skill of the kiss she was being given. Never in her life had she been kissed like this. Like their lives were on the line and the only way to keep breathing was to transfer the air from one set of lungs to the other.

“I’ve been wanting to do that all day,” said the voice attached the lips currently attacking her own. Lexie involuntarily moaned in response when the warm lips moved from her mouth to her neck.

“Eating that carrot the way you did at lunch wasn’t nice. Didn’t your mother ever teach you it’s not polite to tease?” the voice said, whispering seductive words across her skin. It sent chills from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Her lips tingled like there was a live wire dwelling beneath them.

Lexie pulled the warm and hard body closer to her own until there wasn’t even room for a breath.

“Speaking of teasing, I think there’s either a banana in your pocket or you’re happy to see me” Lexie whispered a little flustered. There was just something about this person that emboldened her. Her hands snaked forward and gently cupped the bulge currently pressed against her center.

“Oh, you have no idea how happy I am to see you” said the voice huskily.

Strong hands then moved from her shoulders and trailed down to the front of her drawstring pants. Swift and dexterous fingers began to untie the tight knot on her scrubs and she felt her breathing become shallow. Long fingers slowly made their way down her body, teasing the skin above her underwear before finally--

The slam of a door snapped Lexie out of her daydream.

Lexie was instantly irritated at the intrusion. She hasn’t had a fantasy that vivid in a long time and frankly, she was long overdue for one. She knew without a doubt exactly who the mystery man was. It was the same man that not only haunted her dreams but haunted her daily life. The same man that she vowed would remain just a friend with no messy attachments. A decision she was, not for the first time, regretting with a fiery passion.

Lexie picked up where she left off restocking the closet when she heard a voice.

“Did you have a nice lunch?”

She didn’t even have to turn around to see who the mean voice belonged to. Instead of giving in to the temptation of kicking the person in the balls, she continued to stock the medical supply closet.

“As a matter of fact, I did. How was yours? Did you enjoy the view?”

The owner of the voice didn’t seem to be bothered by her barb. That should have been the first sign of trouble.

“I just came from the nurses station on the second floor-” he let his voice trail at the end of his sentence, giving her a chance to ask.

Lexie sighed, “I don’t care what rumors they’re spreading now. It’s all probably not true anyway.”

The voice continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “Apparently, Dr. Montgomery is coming to Seattle for a couple days.”

She gave in to temptation and asked “What for?” but tried to sound uninterested.

“Rumor has it her brother has an inoperable brain tumor and she wants Dr. Shepherd to remove it.”

A tiny bit of calm flooded Lexie’s system. She wasn’t happy to hear that Dr. Montgomery’s brother was ill but she was relieved that her intention wasn’t to come visit a certain handsome plastic surgeon.

“Who knows,” the speaker’s voice infiltrated her thoughts “she’ll probably be in such a terrible mess that she’ll need the comfort of old friends.”

With that little twist of the knife, the owner of the voice left the room.

The slam of the door followed by silence did little to calm Lexie’s nerves. She never thought that sweet and mild mannered George O’Malley could ever be so hurtful.

Her old friend ‘insecurity’ crept up behind her as this new information drilled itself into her brain. Compared to her, Addison Montgomery was a goddess. She saved babies performing impossible surgeries all while looking like a runway model. How could she compete with flaming red hair and legs for days?

Grumpily, Lexie haphazardly placed the rest of the rubbing alcohol bottles on the shelf; not really caring whether or not they were positioned correctly. She quickly left the supply closet and was only five feet away from the door when she bumped into something rock solid. Lexie fell to the floor.

“Ow” she exclaimed from her position on the ground.

“I’m so sorry. Are you okay darlin'?”

Lexie felt an unexpected shiver run down her spine at the sound of such an attractive and obviously male voice. A hand appeared in front of her face and she stared at it for a moment in confusion. What did he expect her to do with such a beautiful hand?


A throat clearing sound came from above when she didn't answer and Lexie looked up.

Lexie's eyes followed the shapely fingers up a lean and muscular arm. Instead of the customary six feet tall, dark and handsome; standing in front of her was six feet tall, bright and gorgeous. His skin had a slight tan as if he had just spent the last couple months on a beach and it was starting to wear off. His eyes were light brown, set in a cute and surprisingly boyish face. His short brown hair, along with the short beard on his face, had a slight red tint to it. His hair was a bit mussed; as if he had just run his fingers through it. She bit back a smile when she at last noticed the big ears sticking out from the side of his head. He wasn't going to be a runway model anytime soon but he was attractive in his own way.

She finally came to her senses and placed her hand in the stranger’s. It was rough and sturdy, like he made a living working with his hands. The man effortlessly pulled her to her feet before bending down to pick up the pager that had dislodged itself from her scrubs during their collision.

“I hope it’s not broken” said the cheery voice as he handed her the pager. "You hit the ground there pretty hard. Are you okay?"

Lexie smiled, “I'm okay. See?” She held her hands up and spun in a circle. When she returned to her original position, she could have sworn he kept his gaze on her body a second too long for it to be socially appropriate. She felt her entire body heat up at the thought.

“I’m sort of clumsy when I’m in a new place.” Cheery voice chuckled before remembering himself, “Ah'm sorry. Where are mah manners?”

This time Lexie caught the subtle southern twang in his voice that would sometimes weave it's way around his words.

"That would explain the politeness" she thought to herself.

Cheery voice struck out his hand again, “James Florence from Virginia.”

His smile then turned very warm, “But you can just call me Jamie.”


Did you like it? :)

Jamie Florence = Bryan Greenberg

(next chapter)

Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1  

char: mark sloan, fanfiction, author: drzlilsuga, pairing: lexie/mark, series: nothing else matters, tv: grey's anatomy, char: lexie grey

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