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latemorningicon October 26 2012, 23:28:07 UTC
Hi. *shy wave*

I recently took over the comm 'couples20in20' after I realized there were currently NO up and running icontests specifically geared towards ships/otps. I'm giving the comm a new look (a complete overhaul, it will be run alot better than it was) and will be posting the new sign-ups soon. Going through the past entries, I noticed you had entered beautiful icons before, so I just wanted to let you know it will be up and running again soon if you're still interested in making icons. I know that most of the members have probably moved on since then (and some might not even be making icons anymore) but I know that *I* would want to know if a comm like this was coming back, so I decided to give you a holler as well just in case :)

I also created a new header for the comm using some of my favorite entries from the old members, and I completely fell in love with one of your icons. I included it, just to see what it would look like (you can see it on the main page here:


but if you'd like me to not use it, no problem - just let me know and I'll replace it right away. It really is one of my favorite icons and I think it looks beautiful in the header :)

take care,

bb. (latemorningicon)


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