My Chicon Schedule

Aug 11, 2012 22:35

Here's my programming schedule for Chicon at the end d of the month. The TV panel is one RJ and I have wanted to do for awhile. Should be a blast. The costuming panel should be interesting. And hell if I know why I'm doing a Kaffeklatch for but eh, I can talk about anything over coffee. The rest of the time I'll be helping Diana at her table or being a Man About Con.

Who else is going?

Thu Aug 30 3:00:pm-4:30:pm
Hall or Competition Costume?
How to determine whether a costume is a competition costume or a hall costume.
Aurora Celeste, David M Stein, Elektra Hammond, Kevin Roche

Sat Sep 1 3:00:pm-4:30:pm
Space, Spies and SuperGadgets: Adventure TV of the 60
Columbus EF
Shows like "The Avengers", "Jonny Quest", "Batman", "Wild Wild West", "Wonder Woman", "Six Million Dollar Man", "Thunderbirds" and more made the years from mid 60's to the mid 70's a golden era for SF and Adventure on TV
Barry Lyn-Waitsman, Cat Greenberg, David D. Levine, David M Stein, R. J. Johnson

Mon Sep 3 9:00:am-10:30:am
Kaffeeklatsche with: David M Stein, DI
Kaffeeklatsche 4
David M Stein
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