The internet is unfathomably large as we all know. One can find all manner of cool and horrifying things if one is willing to look. You've got cool shit like Rotten Tomatoes and the revolting (and fascinating) like Gurochan.
Along the way you've got webcomics, 40 krillian blogs, religious websites, anti-religious websites, the cesspool of myspace, the venerable institutions like amazon and google, a plethora of annoying as hell memes (what will it be this year?), and of course, you've got your pariahs: Scientologists, and if you're old school, furries.
Then there are the things that are funny but unintended. Take a look at
this (warning: porn, but the naughty bits are blocked out).
Now, you had to look at that because what you see next isn't as funny other wise.
There is another place that offers that same print. Specifically,
Don't see it?
Look where that picture is filed. Granted it's shoved into some dusty little corner where no one will find it without looking for it, but still.
I guess it helps what one puts on one's website.