The Futureheads are coming here in August, before I leave. Yay!
Yesterday was the first day I ditched school for a reason other than having to finish a homework assignment (not counting the RHCP/weezer ticket fiasco last year). I turned in my essay before class started and told the teacher I had a dentist appointment so I couldn't stay. But I had no dentist appointment, I went home and watched the Spain and France match!
Our cable box downstairs is set on channel 270 by default. 270 is TFC, The Filipino Channel. Now our family was a bit behind when it came to picking up digital cable, so whenever we'd go to family friends' houses, we always made fun of and wondered why TFC was the only channel that was ever on. In one house in particular, they have 2 TVs in the family room, side by side. One is never turned on, but the other one seems to be permanently set in the filipino channel. When we finally did get digital cable, my mom said she'd never be "one of them" and would only watch TFC for the news. Hahahaha.
It's the only thing she ever watches!
My parents used to be addicted to this game show, "Game Ka Na Ba?" which translates to, "Are you Game?" This one wasn't too bad, but I'm not sure if it's on anymore because I haven't seen it in quite a while.
And then there's the show that seems to be the biggest craze in the history of filipino television, Wowowee. It's a variety game show complete with dancing girls and songs and all that. The dancers are just ridiculous. Everyone in our house just laughs and says "WTF are they doing?" They seem to completely pride themselves in having the ability to stretch their leg up over their head, as it's always their final freeze position...then one girl winks at the camera. Yesterday they were dancing to this Gwen Stephani song and one of the girls was in that position, hopping on one foot in a circle. And I swear, every female on Wowowee talks through the back of her mouth. It's nasal, but not completely. I think they may also have some sort of speech impediment because they can't seem to control the volume of their voices. Always screaming. In December they did their show outside for some Christmas special and there was apparently a massive riot situation and a few people even died.
Anyway, I'm pretty disappointed. My mom's going to the Philippines in January and I asked if I could go and she appeared to be really excited that I wanted to join her this time. Then one day she started talking about the trip in a way that implied she was going by herself, so I asked, "I thought I was going to?" and she snaps back, "No!" Okay. Part of me was hoping we'd go to a filming of Wowowee and I could participate in the trivia part of the show, but I guess that's not happening.