Mar 30, 2007 23:30
often at work i say something along the lines of "at times like this i wish i had an addiction..." unfortunatley, i think i may have found one. damned computers.
i'm sick of being broke. as soon as i start making progress on getting caught up on everythng, something goes wrong, like my car repairs cosing a ton more than i expected and my computer costing a ton more than i expected (of course, because i forgot about the service plan and everything... the computer itself cost exactly what i planned on spending...) on the bright side, i absolutely adore this little thing, and thus far it runs great. and no, i'm not telling you what i got. just because. all that matters is that i'm satisfied and no ammount of temper tantrums from other people i going to bear on my decisions. now, mature discussions might have, but i didnt get many of those.
i'm so crabby and depressed.
i hate taking money from my family. but god do i love this computer. i'll actually carry it with me. possibly everywhere. i just might get it implanted into my legs. i'll figure out some way to walk. we'll see someone try tosteal it then. as it is i'll already lose a finger for the fingerprint reader. ugh.
on the bright side, only five months til i'm in europe. god i'm scared. this is going to be so cool...
i hope jeff does ok with all the bills and critters. i hope all my bills are paid so he doesnt have to worry about that, too...
we're watching my mom's puppy. he's cat-obsessed. and not fixed. and fightng with the neighbor's dog and mine. ugh. i'll get some discipline into this dog if i have to keep him til i leave for poland. normally my moms really good about training, but she really dropped the ball on this one.
i'm so exhausted. goodnight